Come as Little Children

Why are children so adorable ...... (okay not when you have to change thier nappies, or when they cry at night waking you up from sleep, even though they were just fed a few minutes ago...) not those times, but generally they are so innocent and lovable (a lot of mischief is hidden in their hearts so don't be decieved :-0) . A smile from a child is worth a million photos, and you can't help but love them back.
When a child asks his mother a question (no matter how silly it sounds to a grown up) she knows that the child is curious and really wants to know, and beleive me, children can ask some really earth shattering questions. I heard someone make a statement, he said " a child is a child, and can only be expected to think and act like a child, and until that child grows up and makes his own decisions, he/she is still a child"
Just as children are innocent, curious, adorable and true, that's the way God want's for us to approach him. He wants us to come to him just as we are, without pretense, as real as a child, for we are God's children if we believe in His son, Jesus. If you are His child, he loves and accepts you just the way you are. "... He said to them, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children" (Mark 10:14) .
I encourage you today to come to God like a child, children beleive their parents when they say "Don't worry, mommy will buy you sweet/ice-cream/biscuit ....... " (fill in the blanks! .... yeah... I know, I believed and I was expectant everytime I heard those words, it's funny now that as I got older, I don't expect that anymore, hmm...... food for thought dont you think?)
This is what God, who created everything, who is the best father anyone could wish for says;
"Come to me with your ears wide open, Listen and you will find life. I will make an everlasting covenant with you. I will give you all unfailing love I promised to David" (Isaiah 55:3)
"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
There are many more invitations from God the most High, I pray that you hear his call today and answer like a child .... "Yes dad, I'm coming ........."
thats the picture of christ is it? a white man?
People should read this.
Thank you brother in Christ for your truly encouraging words and letting the light of Jesus shine through this work. God bless you with every good thing. Peace be with you.
In His love, your sister in Jesus, Angela
Thank you brother in Christ for your truly encouraging words and letting the light of Jesus shine in this work. God bless you with every good blessing. Peace be with you. With love, your sister, Angela
Thanks John for sharing this....I love that picture...:)
To "Red Eyes" Yes it is a picture of Jesus talking to a child, like He is talking to everyone of us..but if you question if He had been a white man I doubt it as He had been born in Bethlehem....native living people there aren`t white....that`s whas only imagined by white people found Christ as their saviour..what He truly is..He saves us from all the rubbish sin we`ve done, changes our evil hearts & on top gives us life forever...In the bible Jesus says in John 5,24
“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life."
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